Thursday, August 2, 2012


So, it has been a while since I last posted something on here, that's mostly because I haven't added new autographs to the collection since the last post, which is pretty lame. I have come to realize that I still have not posted my final two additions to the Team Canada project from last Fall. I've come to terms that I will most probably not be getting the remaining 3 (Niedermayer, Keith & Doughty) I still have out in the mail as the last one I sent out was in April 2011.

However, I have come up with a new project, since the Jets have returned to Winnipeg, I thought how great would it be to have an autograph of  every single player to play in the uniform, since it won't be too hard except the first year. With those, I will send TTM, but I will also make extras for local autograph sessions should they come up and the player has not responded yet. So come training camp, there will be over 40 TTM's out there waiting to return, so stay tuned!

I have also given thought to getting in person 'graphs from away teams, and maybe complete the Canada set in person, who knows? If you're not keeping track I think I have 14/23 left to go. One who has retired but works for a team (Niedermayer; not sure if he travels though), one I have no idea what team he'll be on next year (Luongo), one I hear is impossible (Crosby) and 6 who do not play in Winnipeg this season (Getzlaf, Perry, Marleau, Morrow, Doughty and Richards). So it definitely won't get finished this year, if ever. 

If everything goes according to plan, and I get my stuff ready come training camp, expect a lot of posts in the future, if your a Jets fan make sure you subscribe or follow this site regularly as it's going to be pretty exciting, as long as the CBA is completed in time.

For any questions on getting autographs in person, through the mail (TTM) feel free to email me questions to or post comments below.

Thanks Again,